
परं शिवं तु व्रजति भैरवाख्यं जपादपि। तत्स्वरूपं जपः प्रोक्तो भावाभावपदच्युतः॥८९॥

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Paraṁ śivaṁ tu vrajati bhairavākhyaṁ japādapi| Tatsvarūpaṁ japaḥ prokto bhāvābhāvapadacyutaḥ||89||


Prakāśa and Vimarśa, Knowledge and Action, along with prāṇa and apāna-- (gama-āgama-pade), certainly (tu) attains (vrajati) Paramaśiva --the Supreme Śiva-- (param śivam) (also) called Bhairava (bhairava-ākhyam) by means of japa --lit. muttering-- (japāt api). The nature of That --i.e. of Paramaśiva or Bhairava-- (tad-svarūpam) is said to be (proktaḥ) japa (japaḥ) which is devoid of the states with objects which exist and which do not exist --i.e. which shines between two things, e.g. between one thought that is existing and another thought that is still coming-- (bhāva-abhāva-pada-cyutaḥ)||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः