
प्लवा ह्येते अदृढा यज्ञरूपा अष्टादशोक्तमवरं येषु कर्म । एतच्छ्रेयो येऽभिनन्दन्ति मूढा जरामृत्युं ते पुनरेवापि यन्ति ॥ ७॥

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plavā hyete adṛḍhā yajñarūpā aṣṭādaśoktamavaraṃ yeṣu karma . etacchreyo ye’bhinandanti mūḍhā jarāmṛtyuṃ te punarevāpi yanti .. 7..


But frail indeed are those rafts of sacrifices, conducted by eighteen persons, upon whom rests the inferior work; therefore they are destructible. Fools who rejoice in them as the Highest Good fall victims again and again to old age and death. 

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः