
रागाद्यकलुषोऽस्म्यन्तःशून्योऽहं कर्तृतोज्झितः। इत्थं समासव्यासाभ्यां ज्ञानं मुञ्चति तावतः॥३३॥

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Rāgādyakaluṣo'smyantaḥśūnyo'haṁ kartṛtojjhitaḥ| Itthaṁ samāsavyāsābhyāṁ jñānaṁ muñcati tāvataḥ||33||


'I am free from the turbidness of Rāga, etc. (rāga-ādi-akaluṣaḥ asmi)', 'I (am) the inner void (antar-śūnyaḥ aham)', '(I am) free from doership (kartṛtā-ujjhitaḥ)'. In this way (ittham), knowledge (jñānam) liberates (muñcati) in combination or separately (samāsa-vyāsābhyām) up to a certain extent (tāvatas)||33||

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