
रागारुणं ग्रन्थिबिलावकीर्णं यो जालमातानवितानवृत्ति। कलोम्भितं बाह्यपथे चकार स्तान्मे स मच्छन्दविभुः प्रसन्नः॥७॥

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Rāgāruṇaṁ granthibilāvakīrṇaṁ yo jālamātānavitānavṛtti| Kalombhitaṁ bāhyapathe cakāra stānme sa macchandavibhuḥ prasannaḥ||7||


Let that Macchandavibhu be (stāt... saḥ macchanda-vibhuḥ) pleased (prasannaḥ) with me (me)!; (that Macchandavibhu) who (yaḥ) made (cakāra) the net (of Māyā) (jāla) —which is red due to the presence of Rāga (rāga-aruṇam), which is full of holes and knots (granthi-bila-avakīrṇam), which spreads in every direction (ātāna-vitāna-vṛtti) (and) which is contained in (all the categories from) Kalā --category 7-- (kalā-umbhitam)— something external --so, He made this net of Māyā something external, i.e. He discarded it-- (bāhya-pathe)||7||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः