रथ्या चर्पट विरचित कन्थः पुण्यापुण्य विवर्जित पन्थः | योगी योग नियोजित चित्तः रमते बालोन्मत्तवदेव ‖ 23 ‖
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rathyā charpaṭa virachita kanthaḥ puṇyāpuṇya vivarjita panthaḥ | yogī yoga niyojita chittaḥ ramate bālonmattavadeva ‖ 23 ‖
The one whose patched garment is made from tattered rags cast on the road, whose path is free from sins having abandoned virtue and vices, whose mind is fixed on yoga (in union with god), that yogi indeed rejoices (in divine bliss) like a crazed wild child overwhelmed by happiness.
- Sri Shankaracharya
English Translation