Logoपरिवर्तनं भव


सृष्टिस्थितितिरोधानसंहारानुग्रहादि च। तुर्यमित्यपि देवस्य बहुशक्तित्वजृम्भितम्॥७८॥

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Sṛṣṭisthititirodhānasaṁhārānugrahādi ca| Turyamityapi devasya bahuśaktitvajṛmbhitam||78||


And (ca) manifestation and maintenance of the universe (along with) concealment and revelation of one's own essential nature, etc. (sṛṣṭi-sthiti-tirodhāna-saṁhāra-anugraha-ādi), (and) even (api) Turya --the Fourth State of Consciousness-- (turyam), (are) the manifestation of the many powers (bahu-śaktitva-jṛmbhitam) of God --of Śiva-- (devasya).

English Translation

श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें

अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः