
सङ्कोचिदृक्क्रियारूपं तत्पशोरविकल्पितम्। तदज्ञानं न बुद्ध्यंशोऽध्यवसायाद्यभावतः॥३८॥

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Saṅkocidṛkkriyārūpaṁ tatpaśoravikalpitam| Tadajñānaṁ na buddhyaṁśo'dhyavasāyādyabhāvataḥ||38||


It is contracting perception and activity (saṅkoci-dṛk-kriyā-rūpam), it is devoid of any vikalpa --i.e. it is undoubted-- (avikalpitam) (and) it belongs to the limited being (tad-paśoḥ). That ignorance (tad-ajñānam) is not (na) in the portion of intellect --viz. it is not related to the intellect-- (buddhi-aṁśaḥ) because of the absence of the faculty of determination, etc. (adhyavasāya-ādi-abhāvataḥ)||

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