
शक्तिश्च नाम भावस्य स्वं रूपं मातृकल्पितम्। तेनाद्वयः स एवापि शक्तिमत्परिकल्पने॥६८॥

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Śaktiśca nāma bhāvasya svaṁ rūpaṁ mātṛkalpitam| Tenādvayaḥ sa evāpi śaktimatparikalpane||68||


And (ca) (this One) whose name is Śakti --Power of Absolute Freedom-- (śaktiḥ... nāma) (is) the essential nature (svam rūpam) —such as conceived by the (different) pramātā-s or knowers (mātṛ-kalpitam)— of the Self --i.e. of Śiva-- (bhāvasya). For that reason (tena), though (api) He Himself --Śiva-- (saḥ eva) is one (advayaḥ), He is imagined as the Possessor of Śakti (śakti-mat-parikalpane)||68||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः