
सन्ति पद्धतयश्चित्राः स्रोतोभेदेषु भूयसा। अनुत्तरषडर्धार्थक्रमे त्वेकापि नेक्ष्यते॥१४॥

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Santi paddhatayaścitrāḥ srotobhedeṣu bhūyasā| Anuttaraṣaḍardhārthakrame tvekāpi nekṣyate||14||


(Although) in the various streams (of the Trika system) (srotas-bhedeṣu) there is --lit. there are-- (santi) an excessive number of wonderful (citrāḥ... bhūyasā) ways or paths (paddhatayaḥ), (right now) there is not even one (tu ekā api na īkṣyate) so as to attain the Supreme Goal in the Trika system (anuttara-ṣaḍardha-artha-krame) --i.e. such ways are lost--||14||

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