
शतं चैका च हृदयस्य नाड्य- स्तासां मूर्धानमभिनिःसृतैका । तयोर्ध्वमायन्नमृतत्वमेति विष्वङ्ङन्या उत्क्रमणे भवन्ति ॥ १६॥

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śataṃ caikā ca hṛdayasya nāḍya- stāsāṃ mūrdhānamabhiniḥsṛtaikā . tayordhvamāyannamṛtatvameti viṣvaṅṅanyā utkramaṇe bhavanti .


There are one hundred and one arteries of the heart, one of which pierces the crown of the head. Going upward by it, a man at death attains immortality. But when his prana passes out by other arteries, going in different directions, then he is reborn in the world. 

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः