
श्रीभट्टनाथचरणाब्जयुगात्तथा श्रीभट्टारिकाङ्घ्रियुगलाद्गुरुसन्ततिर्या। बोधान्यपाशविषनुत्तदुपासनोत्थबोधोज्ज्वलोऽभिनवगुप्त इदं करोति॥१६॥

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Śrībhaṭṭanāthacaraṇābjayugāttathā śrībhaṭṭārikāṅghriyugalādgurusantatiryā| Bodhānyapāśaviṣanuttadupāsanotthabodhojjvalo'bhinavagupta idaṁ karoti||16||


The uninterrupted series of Guru-s (guru-santatiḥ) that (yā) (has come) through the two lotus feet of venerable Bhaṭṭanātha --i.e. Śambhunātha-- (śrī-bhaṭṭanātha-caraṇa-abja-yugāt) as well as (tathā) through the two feet of (his) venerable woman (acting as an asistente) (śrī-bhaṭṭārikā-aṅghri-yugalāt) expels the poison in the form of bonds coming from other (kinds of) knowledge (bodha-anya-pāśa-viṣanut). Abhinavagupta (abhinavaguptaḥ), being the Light of the Realization which emerges from worshiping that (Knowledge obtained from the uninterrupted series of Guru-s) (tad-upāsana-uttha-bodha-ujjvalaḥ), does (karoti) this (idam) --i.e. he does not do this by himself, but the line of Guru-s coming from Śambhunātha is doing it through him; this is the purport--||16||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः