
श्रीशम्भुनाथभास्करचरणनिपातप्रभापगतसङ्कोचम्। अभिनवगुप्तहृदम्बुजमेतद्विचिनुत महेशपूजनहेतोः॥२१॥

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Śrīśambhunāthabhāskaracaraṇanipātaprabhāpagatasaṅkocam| Abhinavaguptahṛdambujametadvicinuta maheśapūjanahetoḥ||21||


Because of worshiping Maheśa --lit. the Great Lord, i.e. Śiva-- (mahā-īśa-pūjana-hetoḥ), pick (vicinuta) (one by one the petals of) this (etad) lotus (that is) the Heart of Abhinavagupta --i.e. Tantrāloka-- (abhinavagupta-hṛd-ambujam), in which contraction has disappeared --i.e. it is open now-- due to the light coming down in the form of the rays of the sun called venerable Śambhunātha (śrī-śambhunātha-bhāskara-caraṇa-nipāta-prabhā-apagata-saṅkocam) ||21||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः