
Tantralok 1 10

श्रीसोमानन्दबोधश्रीमदुत्पलविनिःसृताः। जयन्ति संविदामोदसन्दर्भा दिक्प्रसर्पिणः॥१०॥

Śrīsomānandabodhaśrīmadutpalaviniḥsṛtāḥ| Jayanti saṁvidāmodasandarbhā dikprasarpiṇaḥ||10||


Glory to (jayanti) the literary works —(full of) the fragrance of pure Consciousness— (saṁvid-āmoda-sandarbhāḥ), which spread in every direction (dik-prasarpiṇaḥ) (and) have been composed by --lit. sprung from-- illustrious Utpaladeva —the enlightened consciousness of venerable Somānanda— (śrī-somānanda-bodha-śrīmat-utpala-viniḥsṛtāḥ)! 

English Translation

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