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सुरमन्दिर तरु मूल निवासः शय्या भूतलम्-अजिनं वासः | सर्व परिग्रह भोगत्यागः कस्य सुखं न करोति विरागः ‖ 19 ‖

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suramandira taru mūla nivāsaḥ śayyā bhūtalam-ajinaṃ vāsaḥ | sarva parigraha bhogatyāgaḥ kasya sukhaṃ na karoti virāgaḥ ‖ 19 ‖


One who lives in temples or dwells at the foot of trees, whose bed is the surface of the earth, whose garment is a deer skin, who has thus renounced all enjoyment of worldly possessions – to whom will such dispassion (vairāgya) not bring happiness? 

- Sri Shankaracharya

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः