Logoपरिवर्तनं भव


स्वतन्त्रात्मातिरिक्तस्तु तुच्छोऽतुच्छोऽपि कश्चन। न मोक्षो नाम तन्नास्य पृथङ्नामापि गृह्यते॥३१॥

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Svatantrātmātiriktastu tuccho'tuccho'pi kaścana| Na mokṣo nāma tannāsya pṛthaṅnāmāpi gṛhyate||31||


However (tu), something (kaścana) which is different of the Free One --viz. Paramaśiva-- (svatantra-ātma-atiriktaḥ), whether it is worthless or valuable (tucchaḥ atucchaḥ api), cannot be called (na... nāma) Liberation (mokṣaḥ). So (tad), no (other) mark (na... nāmā api) separately --apart-- (pṛthak) from this --from the achievement of the Absolute Freedom of Paramaśiva-- (asya) is accepted (gṛhyate) (as Liberation) --i.e. apart from the achievement of Absolute Freedom there is nothing else to be accepted as Liberation-- ||31||

English Translation

श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें

अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


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