तदास्वादभरावेशबृंहितां मतिषट्पदीम्। गुरोर्लक्ष्मणगुप्तस्य नादसम्मोहिनीं नुमः॥११॥
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Tadāsvādabharāveśabṛṁhitāṁ matiṣaṭpadīm| Gurorlakṣmaṇaguptasya nādasammohinīṁ numaḥ||11||
I praise (numaḥ) the bee of the intellect (mati-ṣaṭpadīm) of Guru Lakṣmaṇagupta (guroḥ lakṣmaṇaguptasya) which, strengthened due to an entry into the mass of the Nectar --lit. taste, flavor-- of those (literary works) (tad-āsvāda-bhara-āveśa-bṛṁhitām), fascinates (everybody) by its sound (nāda-sammohinīm)||
English Translation
श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें
अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें