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Tantralok 1 90

तदत्रापि तदीयेन स्वातन्त्र्येणोपकल्पितः। दूरासन्नादिको भेदश्चित्स्वातन्त्र्यव्यपेक्षया॥९०॥

Tadatrāpi tadīyena svātantryeṇopakalpitaḥ| Dūrāsannādiko bhedaścitsvātantryavyapekṣayā||90||


Therefore (tad), here (atra) also (api) the difference (bhedaḥ) consisting of far, close, etc. --i.e. this means to approach Śiva is farther than this other means, etc., e.g. the means in Āṇavopāya are farther from the Lord in comparison to the means in Śāktopāya, and so on and on-- (dūra-āsanna-ādikaḥ) has been prepared/arranged (upakalpitaḥ) by that Absolute Freedom (tadīyena svātantryeṇa) in accordance with the Independence of Consciousness (cit-svātantrya-vyapekṣayā)||90||

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