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Mundaka Upanishad 3

तदेतदृचाऽभ्युक्तम् । क्रियावन्तः श्रोत्रिया ब्रह्मनिष्ठाः स्वयं जुह्वत एकर्षिं श्रद्धयन्तः । तेषामेवैतां ब्रह्मविद्यां वदेत शिरोव्रतं विधिवद् यैस्तु चीर्णम् ॥ १०॥

tadetadrcā'bhyuktam. kriyavantaḥ śrotriyā brahmaniṣṭhāḥ svayam juhvata ekarṣim śraddhayantaḥ. teṣāmevaitām brahmavidyām vadeta śirovratam vidhivad yaistu cīrṇam


A Rik-verse declares: This Knowledge of Brahman should he told to those only who have performed the necessary duties, who are versed in the Vedas and devoted to Brahman and who, full of faith, have offered oblations in the Ekarshi Fire and performed, according to rule, the rite of carrying fire on the head.

English Translation

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