
तस्माद्येन मुखेनैष भात्यनंशोऽपि तत्तथा। शक्तिरित्येष वस्त्वेव शक्तितद्वत्क्रमः स्फुटः॥७३॥

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Tasmādyena mukhenaiṣa bhātyanaṁśo'pi tattathā| Śaktirityeṣa vastveva śaktitadvatkramaḥ sphuṭaḥ||73||


Therefore (tasmāt), with whatever face --i.e. with whatever characteristic endowed with parts; or also 'through whatever means', as mukha indicates both 'face' and 'means'-- (yena mukhena) He (eṣaḥ) —though (api) devoid of parts (anaṁśaḥ)— shows Himself (bhāti), that (tad) (is) 'Śakti' (śaktiḥ iti) in that manner (tathā). (So,) this (eṣaḥ) evident (sphuṭaḥ) succession of Śakti and Her Possessor --viz. Śiva-- (śakti-tadvat-kramaḥ) (is) the (Highest) Reality (vastu eva)||73||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः