
तत्र पुंसो यदज्ञानं मलाख्यं तज्जमप्यथ। स्वपूर्णचित्क्रियारूपशिवतावरणात्मकम्॥३७॥

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Tatra puṁso yadajñānaṁ malākhyaṁ tajjamapyatha| Svapūrṇacitkriyārūpaśivatāvaraṇātmakam||37||


In that --i.e. in those four kinds of knowledge and ignorance-- (tatra), ignorance (ajñānam) called (Āṇava)mala (mala-ākhyam) which (yad) belongs to the limited being --to Puruṣa-- (puṁsaḥ), though (api atha) born from That --from Śiva-- (tad-jam), it covers the State of Śiva that is Consciousness and Action —which are perfect and full in themselves— (sva-pūrṇa-cit-kriyā-rūpa-śivatā-āvaraṇa-ātmakam).

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