तत्त्वग्रामस्य सर्वस्य धर्मः स्यादनपायवान्। आत्मैव हि स्वभावात्मेत्युक्तं श्रीत्रिशिरोमते॥८१॥
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Tattvagrāmasya sarvasya dharmaḥ syādanapāyavān| Ātmaiva hi svabhāvātmetyuktaṁ śrītriśiromate||81||
It is declared (uktam) in venerable Triśirobhairavatantra (śrī-triśiromate) that (iti): 'The main quality (dharmaḥ) of the whole collection of tattva-s (tattva-grāmasya sarvasya) is (syāt) the imperishable (anapāyavān) Self (ātmā) only (eva) because (hi) He is the essential nature (of them all --i.e. of all the tattva-s)-- (sva-bhāva-ātmā)||81||
English Translation