
त्रैयम्बकाभिहितसन्ततिताम्रपर्णीसन्मौक्तिकप्रकरकान्तिविशेषभाजः। पूर्वे जयन्ति गुरवो गुरुशास्त्रसिन्धुकल्लोलकेलिकलनामलकर्णधाराः॥८॥

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Traiyambakābhihitasantatitāmraparṇīsanmauktikaprakarakāntiviśeṣabhājaḥ| Pūrve jayanti guravo guruśāstrasindhukallolakelikalanāmalakarṇadhārāḥ||8||


Glory to (jayanti) the Guru-s (guravaḥ) of yore (pūrve), the pure (amala) helmsmen (karṇadhārāḥ) in kalana --lit. 'in the literary production', viz. in the innumerable theories, schools, etc.--, i.e. in the amorous pastime (known as) the waves of the turbulent ocean of the scriptures (guru-śāstra-sindhu-kallola-keli-kalana-amala-karṇadhārāḥ), who obtained multitude of genuine pearls of different beauty and brilliance from the Tāmraparṇī river —viz. from the uninterrupted lineage (of Guru-s/disciples) set forth by Tryambaka --the mind-born son of Durvāsās who spread the 64 nondualistic Tantra-s--— (traiyambaka-abhihita-santati-tāmraparṇī-sat-mauktika-prakara-kānti-viśeṣa-bhājaḥ)!||8||

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः