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Mundaka Upanishad 3

वेदान्तविज्ञानसुनिश्चितार्थाः संन्यासयोगाद् यतयः शुद्धसत्त्वाः । ते ब्रह्मलोकेषु परान्तकाले परामृताः परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे ॥ ६॥

vedāntavijñānasuniścitārthāḥ samnyāsayogād yatayaḥ śuddhasattvāh . te brahmalokeşu parāntakāle parāmrtāh parimucyanti sarve


Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Vedantic knowledge and having purified their minds through the practice of sannyasa, the seers, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy here supreme Immortality and at the time of the great end attain complete freedom in Brahman.

English Translation

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