Logoपरिवर्तनं भव


विकल्पयुक्तचित्तस्तु पिण्डपाताच्छिवं व्रजेत्। इतरस्तु तदैवेति शास्त्रस्यात्र प्रधानतः॥५१॥

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Vikalpayuktacittastu piṇḍapātācchivaṁ vrajet| Itarastu tadaiveti śāstrasyātra pradhānataḥ||51||


Nonetheless (tu), the one whose mind is engaged in vikalpa --e.g. I am fat, I am sick, I am healthy, I am rich, etc.-- (vikalpa-yukta-cittaḥ) (even if he was initiated and his pauruṣājñāna was obliterated,) attains (vrajet) to Śiva (śivam) when the physical body falls --at the time of death-- (piṇḍa-pātāt). But (tu) the other --the one who possesses both intellectual knowledge and knowledge about the Self, i.e. bauddhajñāna and pauruṣajñāna-- (itaraḥ) (gets Liberation) at that time (and right there) --i.e. he does not have to wait for death of the physical body-- (tadā eva). Thus (iti), there is pre-eminence or predominance (pradhānataḥ) of the scripture (śāstrasya) here (atra) (over one's own personal experience in samādhi or trance)||51||

English Translation

श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें

अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


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