यदा सर्वे प्रभिद्यन्ते हृदयस्येह ग्रन्थयः । अथ मर्त्योऽमृतो भवत्येतावद्ध्यनुशासनम् ॥ १५॥
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yadā sarve prabhidyante hṛdayasyeha granthayaḥ . atha martyo’mṛto bhavatyetāvaddhyanuśāsanam .
When all the ties of the heart are severed here on earth, then the mortal becomes immortal. This much alone is the teaching.
English Translation
श्लोक या मंत्र खोजें
अपना श्लोक/मंत्र खोजने के लिए कुछ भी टाइप करें