यः पूर्वं तपसो जातमद्भ्यः पूर्वमजायत । गुहां प्रविश्य तिष्ठन्तं यो भूतेभिर्व्यपश्यत । एतद्वै तत् ॥
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yaḥ pūrvaṃ tapaso jātamadbhyaḥ pūrvamajāyata . guhāṃ praviśya tiṣṭhantaṃ yo bhūtebhirvyapaśyata . etadvai tat ..
He verily knows Brahman who knows the First-born, the offspring of austerity, created prior to the waters and dwelling, with the elements, in the cave of the heart. This, verily, is That.
English Translation