Katha Upanishad 2 5
यथाऽऽदर्शे तथाऽऽत्मनि यथा स्वप्ने तथा पितृलोके । यथाऽप्सु परीव ददृशे तथा गन्धर्वलोके छायातपयोरिव ब्रह्मलोके ॥ ५॥
yathā”darśe tathā”tmani yathā svapne tathā pitṛloke . yathā’psu parīva dadṛśe tathā gandharvaloke chāyātapayoriva brahmaloke ll 5ll
As in a mirror, so in the buddhi; as in a dream, so in the World of the Fathers; as in water, so Brahman is seen in the World of the Gandharvas; as in light and shade, so in the World of Brahma.
English Translation
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