
यथा न तोयतो भिन्नास्- तरंगाः फेन बुदबुदाः । आत्मनो न तथा भिन्नं विश्वमात्मविनिर्गतम् ॥२-४॥

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yathā na toyato bhinnās- taraṃgāḥ phena budabudāḥ, ātmano na tathā bhinnaṃ viśvamātmavinirgatam


जिस प्रकार पानी लहर, फेन और बुलबुलों से पृथक नहीं है उसी प्रकार आत्मा भी स्वयं से निकले इस विश्व से अलग नहीं है ॥

Hindi Translation

Just as waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, similarly all this world which has emanated from self, is not different from self.

English Translation

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः