
यो यदात्मकतानिष्ठस्तद्भावं स प्रपद्यते। व्योमादिशब्दविज्ञानात्परो मोक्षो न संशयः॥६३॥

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Yo yadātmakatāniṣṭhastadbhāvaṁ sa prapadyate| Vyomādiśabdavijñānātparo mokṣo na saṁśayaḥ||63||


The one who (yaḥ... saḥ) is dedicated to any of those six forms of Śiva --lit. is dedicated to the ones who have which nature-- (yad-ātmakatā-niṣṭhaḥ) attains (prapadyate) that state (tad-bhāvam). Through the experience of the Supreme Vimarśa in Kha --i.e. śakti, vyāpinī and samanā--, etc. --i.e. by realizing that those six forms of Śiva are just Śiva Himself-- (vyoma-ādi-śabda-vijñānāt), (there takes place) undoubtedly (na saṁśayaḥ) the highest (paraḥ) Liberation (mokṣaḥ)||63||


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